Migrating from Oracle to MariaDB Enterprise

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Migrating from Oracle to MariaDB Enterprise.

Date / Time : Wednesday, 07 October 2020 | 03:30 PM (GMT+8)


Fred Sim Regional Director, Asia of MariaDB
Faisal Saeed Senior Solution Engineer of MariaDB

Migrating from Oracle database to MariaDB can come with a number of benefits: lower cost of ownership, access to and use of an open source database engine, tight integration with the web, wide circle of MariaDB database professionals and more.

Over the years MariaDB has gained Enterprise support and maturity to run critical and complex data transaction systems. With the recent version, MariaDB has added some great new features such as SQL_Mode=Oracle compatibility, making the transition process easier than ever before.

Join us in this webinar to find out how it could benefit your organisation!

Key Highlights of the Session:

  • Understand the business advantages of migrating from Oracle to MariaDB.
  • Learn why MariaDB is the “most popular” open source database.
  • Discover migration path and Oracle compatibility features in MariaDB.